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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781520942315 1520942311
  • 134 pages
  • $$7.75 (paperback), $4.99 (ebook)
Ebook Details
  • 02/2016
  • 1367877091 B01CDKRQOC
  • 134 pages
  • $4.99
Strangers In Another Country
Set in the late 60s and two ethnically different environments (London and Stockholm), this collection of two short stories and two novellas describes social and personal problems encountered by the four protagonists respectively: Betty, Binky, Charlie, and Moby - the men are fictionalised expatriates from the Caribbean. Themes are dreams, loneliness, alienation, disappointment and the lack of solidarity are some of the leading challenges they face. There is humour to ease the pain. The question is whether this handful of marginal men (of colour) succeed or fail in their pursuit of a better life.
Olga on

Astonishing read!

«Strangers in another country» is a collection of novellas and stories, which caught me from the very first page, never letting go until the very last one. This is the most thought –provoking read I have encountered recently.

Taking place in London and Stockholm of 60s, these stories greatly communicate the atmosphere of the big busy megalopolises, accentuating on the life of ordinary people, West Indians mainly. 

The plot of each story is very special, with thorough and peculiar development and sometimes a completely unpredictable ending. The author did an immense job depicting characters, and with the help of every small detail, he was able to create remarkable and unique ones.

Using specific literary pen craft, first-person narration and West Indian style of English, the author creates an atmosphere of sensual loneliness and, sometimes painful, isolation of people in a different cultural environment. Their hopes, wishes, and dreams are very often just unattainable due to different reasons, which makes readers sympathize and go through their struggle for life together.

I love both the stories and novellas, but my favorite is definitely «Betty and the Black Puppy.» I adore the character of Betty Macintosh greatly, and as in the case with her, I truly believe that one small thing, which seems so insignificant, can become important enough to turn your life around!

I am in love with the book and highly recommend it to everybody!


Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781520942315 1520942311
  • 134 pages
  • $$7.75 (paperback), $4.99 (ebook)
Ebook Details
  • 02/2016
  • 1367877091 B01CDKRQOC
  • 134 pages
  • $4.99
