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Kevin Phelps
Summer in the City
Kevin Phelps, author
The city is Chicago, the summer is 1966. It’s an eventful time in America and Corey Mack, a delivery boy for the corner drug store, finds himself suffering from teenage angst, sexual discovery, and the responsibilities that come with being self-reliant as two of the 20th century’s greatest crimes reach out to scorch his unsuspecting young life: a notorious bank heist, and the Holocaust. While other 14 year old boys enjoy summer camp or fun at the beach, Corey is busy working at two jobs to provide for himself while his absent and alcoholic mother swears him to a secret. Little does he know that unseen eyes are watching and tracking his movements, but for what purpose, and by whom? Corey is taught that life is like a shit sandwich and seriously considers his measure of portion control. Only when his reality finds context can he finally hope to see beyond the metaphors we all inhabit.
