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Tango Whisky
The party conference season begins in the Seaside town of Westbourne and Reggie Parkes, Council Traffic Warden is wounded in the armed robbery of a postman whose bag contains a consignment of diamonds. But the bag also contains a flash drive, which in the wrong hands would embarrass the Prime Minister and bring down the government. The government search for the drive commences and Reggie, frightened by agents sent from London, goes into hiding. Loose talk about a terror threat to the town by a senior police officer leads to a fake news story about a terrorist threat and attempts by the government to retrieve the drive cause chaos in the town. The Traffic Wardens, discover that it contains details of a major illegal arms sale signed by the PM, and photos of the PM in compromising situations. They realise that the PM is being set up, and the home secretary is responsible. In a sting operation. they use a visit to the town by the PM to show him the true situation. The PM realizes that millions of pounds have been spent on a non-existent terrorist threat due to an avalanche of fake news; the Home secretary is forced to resign and the Traffic Wardens are suitably rewarded.
