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Luanga Nuwame
Author, Contributor
The Adventures of Little Petalianne
This book is the first edition/issue of a new series of books about the life and adventures of Petalianne and the Flower Sprite Girls of The Magniflora Gully. We hope you enjoy the colorful artwork, fun stories, and delightful characters. The star of the series is the youngest flower sprite named Petalianne. Unlike her friends, Petalianne does not know what her 'flower power' is, and she is more interested in having fun and playing than doing chores. Carefree and sometimes clumsy, Petalianne's heart is always in the right place. One day, Petalianne will amaze the entire forest with her courage and unyielding desire to help those in need. This first issue is an introduction of The Magniflora Gully, the Flower Petal Girls, the Tree Boys, and Queen Azura.
