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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780997048001 099704800X
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The Ammolite Adventures: Bluestone (Volume 1)
C.E. Johnson, author
Emily Whayne thought she was a normal teenager being raised by a typical family on Earth until one day everything that defined her past came crashing down. Her godfather sent her on a secretive hunt for clues and each revelation unraveled more of the puzzling otherworldly mysteries of her existence. As she is backed into a corner by government teams, Emily learns her budding blue magician powers and her mind-linked Doberman bondsmate are the only truths that she can rely on. She ultimately will have to decide whether to embark on a perilous journey to find her relatives, which involves plunging through a portal where travelers must trade in the modern world for castles, swords and spells.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9780997048001 099704800X
  • pages
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