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Jody Walker
The Book of Mem
Jody Walker, author

Children/Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

What if humans could see auras the way the plants and animals at Little Meadow can? And what if some of the new children entering the earth could communicate through touch? The creatures of Little Meadow have not seen humans for years, but every now and then the plants and animals still find some traces of humans like old bottles and bits of plastic. All human things are placed in the cave. That is until Libby Duck finds the Book. Full of beautiful pictures, some animals want to keep it, some want to separate the pages. Old Oak is consulted but the animals still argue over what should be done. Their paws throb and their tummies ache as the argument heats up. Finally, Old Oak's wisdom settles the argument and the Book is placed in the Cave, but the animals are still thinking about humans and their things when a moving trail of dust appears on the road in the distance. \tHumans have returned to the old campsite. The critters immediately notice a change in the auras; especially those of the children. Bonds of friendship are quickly formed. Not only are these visitors more enlightened, they also bring with them a new story and a new way of relating with the earth.
Light of Conscious: Journal of Spiritual Awareness

The strikingly illustrated story takes place in the future at a deserted campsite where animals, trees and rocks live together in harmony. It has been generations since humans came to camp   yet Old Tree and Rock remember. By touching Rock, the creatures remember too. The last campers had argued and fought which upset all the forest dwellers. When campers once again show up in a strange hover-car, the animals are both excited and wary, but these new humans seem peaceful and happy. The girl converys thoughts by hugging Old Tree; a glow surrounds her and the boy. The animals feel their love and gradually lose their fear.  The author includes vocabulary lists with definitions in each chapteras well as questions for discussion at the end of the book. Dialogue and descriptions in The Book of Mem keep the narrative lively. Recommended for age seven on up to grown-ups. 

