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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2019
  • 9783710341656
  • 90 pages
  • $25.99
The Broken God
The Broken God is Laura’s first published book released by united p.c. publishing and distributed across the UK as well as in the US. It is a poetry collection that challenges all those worldviews and systems that do not play in favour of human satisfaction but rather keep us separated and unfulfilled. There is some beauty of tragedy, tragedy of love, bluntness of loss, and reflecting questions of existence in there, too. These are not poems about the beautiful landscapes of the world. These are poems about the bittersweet, destructive human nature and the pity of the stale worldview. The mix of societal disappointment, the tragedy of love and the existential depression still hides hope in every poem; there is something beautiful in the chaos of the universe, and in the chaos of ourselves. People have the power to lead their own lives in any way they want to, but they mostly choose their comfort zone on expense of their happiness and only really make their own choices in dreams or video games. They settle for unfulfilling jobs, they settle for grey love, they settle for mediocre selves. And so they are breaking the God within them.
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2019
  • 9783710341656
  • 90 pages
  • $25.99
