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The Devil's Angel
John Conn, author
Things were changing. It was ages since the Devil had fallen. Now, a new one was being created. God wanted something, but the Devil had no idea what it was. It needed someone to find out. It needed an angel…but who? NYC detectives Michael Ryan and Lucas Cole were childhood friends. Inseparable and seemingly cut from the same cloth, they paralleled each other’s moves and thoughts throughout their lives. But with strange visions and nightmares torturing both men since childhood, they are driven to embrace two opposing divine destinies set into play hundreds of years ago in the deserts of New Mexico. With Michael believing he is chosen by God, Lucas fights to hold onto his humanity and love of a woman while forced into servitude by a sly and skulking Devil. The former friends' conflict and the final showdown aren't just with each other, but with their Makers as well.
