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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780595206537 0595206530
  • pages
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Gene Parola
The Devil to Pay
Sven Olafson and Matt Blair, a yacht delivery crew, pick up a client's boat in the Bahamas.  Even before they board, they find the body of GULL's boat keeper in her dinghy. Menacing Cubans board GULL at midnight, threatening to tow her away to be dismantled in search of a mysterious canister that's hidden aboard.The crew outsmarts the aggressors and escapes with their charge intact, but....   Adding to the crew's burdens, a derelict boat surrenders a mysterious trapped woman who appears to be a victim of the same group of pursuers…or not. Only the superior seamanship of the sailing crew keeps the much faster power cruisers at bay. Damaged in a deadly predawn skirmish, GULL is barely kept afloat as she limps across the Gulf Stream to safety.  But safety for the boat is not safety for the crew, for now they know too much….
Writer's Digest

Billed as a 'sailing adventure mystery,' this novel delivers on all counts.The diehard sailor will love the nautical language and technical details supplied throughout the text.  Lovers of action-adventure mysteries will find The Devil to Pay a satisfying read. Characters are well developed and readers will care about the good guys winning over the bad guys.  I was immediately captivated by the rich language used in the settings and descriptions in the book.... [and] dialogue is natural and adds an extra dimension to the story.  [It] is an absorbing tale of hidden motivations that keeps the reader guessing until the end. [The book] is enthustically recommended for those mystery buffs who appreciate a well crafted tale of intrigue and suspense.  The pacing is quick, making this book a page-turner.  Mr. Parola uses an interesting device of placing narrative, quotes, and subtitles at the beginning of each chapter, offering the reader a glimpse ahead and providing a deeper understanding of the story.  Mr Parola is extremely skilled with dialog....Writers Digest


Paperback Book Details
  • 9780595206537 0595206530
  • pages
  • $
