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The Fantastical Keys of Darius Newton Archibank: Zarqnon the Embarrassed Discovers He Is Autistic

Adult; Health, Diet, Parenting, Home, Crafts & Gardening; (Market)

Follow the thoughts of an autistic child full of wonder as he grows and struggles into an adult who has embraced his unique brain and how it has affected his every day life, to turn around and have his own child to teach about the world. From the Author: This will be like no book on autism you have ever read. I wanted to not only show how my specific autistic brain thinks, but I also wanted to create it in my own personal framework on how I like to do things, where I allowed my brain to design it in a way that makes sense to me. It is far from standard narrative. I didn't want to simply describe what it is like to be autistically me. I want people to experience it from my side. As you can tell by the art, the illustrator has much my same view: Frank is also on the spectrum, and does not attempt at all to restrain his art into standard artistic practice and paradigm.
Donna Glenn, Retired Elementary School teacher​

WOW! This is AWESOME! I can see this helping teachers understand what goes on in the brains of autistic children! You need to market to educators!!!!

Dr. Lynn Adams, PhD, Autism Specialist

OH.MY.GOD......everyone must read this. Every adult on the spectrum and every adult with a child on the Spectrum and everyone who knows someone on the I said EVERYONE must read this.

