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The Ghost of Greenbriar Slave-Master/ASIN/ 1091828687
The Ghost of Greenbriar/Slave-Master, written in the genre of paranormal fiction, is the first of its series. The characters and experiences witnessed are based on actual dramatic encounters. Living in a spiritual world, there is a fine line between good and evil. Murder, racism, and persecution are the sins belonging to Greenbriar’s narcissistic proprietor, Briar Green. As with any animal or monster, he preys on the innocent and the weak. Deeming betrayal committed by his devoted daughter Grace, he vows to return from death and regain his power with a vengeance. The battle begins nearly a half a century later when his grandson Jacob moves his clairvoyant wife Rebecca and children into the mansion. Realizing Rebecca has a real connection to the unknown world, he places his fearful retribution in endless motion. Regardless of the consequences, she is determined to protect her family at all cost. Hell breaks loose and the courageous fight between purity and wickedness begins.
