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Ebook Details
  • 978-1502762313 B00O5YWIJ8
  • 412 pages
  • $3.99
James Dunlap
The Illuminators
James Dunlap, author

It is the year 3500 A.D., and Leopold Skilling, leader-for-life, has taken over the country now known as the FreeWorld. His black limousine is shiny, his corporate offices are all immaculate, and his golden pistol is holstered at his side in a wanton display of power.

And now he has a new pupil to teach the ways of governing...

Across the world, Sraosha is asleep and dreaming. He is dreaming of his massacred family, killed by FreeWorld mercenaries. He is dreaming of his own capture and forced labor as an involuntary internee worker. He is dreaming of the Master… the elderly sage who has been visiting him in his dreams and beckoning him to become his apprentice… -A beckoning that he will obey.

But is devotion all there is to this apprenticeship, or are there more revolutionary designs at work?

As Sroasha delves into the teachings of the Master and the eschatology of his newfound religion, he uncovers a plot for war. –A war that was prophesied long ago by the founder of this new religion, The Illuminated One. Yet, one prophesy still remains to be fulfilled. -A prophesy that involves the new protégé of Leopold Skilling…

The Illuminators is beautifully written novel replete with philosophy, emotion, psychology, and colorful characters, carefully interweaving the narratives of revolutionaries, spiritualist sages, pirates, assassins, and warriors, culminating in an unforgettable end-battle that is sure to stay with the reader long after the book is finished!

Ebook Details
  • 978-1502762313 B00O5YWIJ8
  • 412 pages
  • $3.99
