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Laurie Jameson
The Kitten
“Sexual crimes against children are a unique type of brutality. They condemn the victim to a lifetime of hell with repercussions that reach far beyond the life of the abuser. We hear about these atrocities all the time and feel powerless to stop them. But what if you could do something? If you could spare even one child the loss of their innocence in such a cruel manner, would you? The Kitten tells the story of Chelle McCall, a sexual abuse survivor who dedicates her life to hunting pedophiles. As a child, she was assaulted by her grandfather for several years. The trauma of her experience was devastating, but instead of letting it destroy her, she chose to fight back. Now a young woman in her twenties, Chelle is a smart-ass, caffeine-addicted, classic rock-loving serial killer of pedophiles. She works for the Riverside County Sheriff’s department in their Crime Statistics Division and uses this position to identify her targets. Together with her best friend, Parker, a gay mortician from Palm Springs, they track, kill, and dispose of these predators. Chelle is plagued by anxiety and nightmares starring her grandfather. When she can’t stand it anymore, she begins seeing a therapist to help her work through her issues. Angela helps her to understand that her feelings are perfectly normal for someone who suffered the abuse she endured as a child. Unfortunately, therapy brings so much to the surface that Chelle’s problems get worse. After suffering a massive panic attack and winding up in the ER, Chelle doesn’t heed Parker’s urging to take a break from their activities and begins tracking her next target before she’s mentally and emotionally ready. This leads to her abduction and captivity by pedophile Jackson Holland, a disgraced celebrity chef determined to avenge the deaths of the men he did time with in prison—men he knows Chelle murdered. In order to escape, she is forced to kill her abductor in a brutal manner. After Jackson is cremated, Chelle’s elderly Aunt Georgina accidently discovers his ashes, forcing Chelle to confide in her. Aunt Georgina discloses that she is also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and wants to become part of the team. Georgina urges Chelle to consider targeting her new neighbor, Walter Harrison, in her senior complex, as she suspects he is also an abuser. Parker confirms her assessment when he reveals that Walter was his PE teacher and molested him and other boys in junior high. Overzealous, Aunt Georgina does not follow protocol and murders Walter in a public place before the team is ready. After Chelle and Parker perform a hurried retrieval of his body, Georgina insists on watching his cremation. An undetected pacemaker causes an explosion in the crematorium, nearly killing Georgina. Chelle then has to deal with the trauma and guilt of the accident. She struggles with deciding whether to continue her activities until she reflects on the advice of her Great Uncle David, a retired army general. He told her that, at some point in life, everyone is given a mission—something they are called to do—and no matter how difficult that undertaking may be, it’s their duty to fulfill it. He said that, although she might be scared or even terrified, she would need to dig deep inside herself and find the courage. “I see it in you, that steel core. Always remember you are stronger than you believe. Don’t ever let anyone tell you different. Never walk away from a challenge or let fear stand in your way. The mission is what’s most important.”

The Kitten is and Entertaining and Worthwhile Read
Although the subject matter of this novel is quite serious and disturbing, this author has found a balance between illustrating the gravity of the situation while still spinning an entertaining tale. The two main characters are so interesting and very compelling that you can't help but be drawn to them. The book is a fast read and one of my favorites this year. The author intertwines humor with descriptions of the grim reality of sexual abuse. If you want to read a book not like any other, I highly recommend The Kitten!

Compellling and Intriguing Read
This is a story you’ve never read before! The Kitten is a somewhat dark tale, full of surprises, and served up with a bit of humor. Laurie Jameson writes in a way that really makes me think. I’m going to be thinking about this one for a long time. She is fast becoming a favorite author and I can’t wait to read more from her!

