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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781090419569 1090419562
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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B07RD4S8XX
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The little ones & their monsters
Since I became an analyst of monsters when I was seventeen, I have done so many lectures about the management of these creatures, around the world, that if you're interested in the subject, is very likely that you've been in one of them. Unless you are a child. I have always found it very unsettling that, even when children constantly face monsters, and seek help against them as often as adults do, all these meetings that are scheduled with the readers of the many books that I have published over the years, even of those that are directly related to children, such as "The skin crawler" or "Searching for the false shadow", are rarely assisted by the little ones, which is quite irritating, because they are the main players in many of my more complex and interesting cases, and I almost never have the opportunity to share these with them. Here is why I decide to write this book today, because I understand that some of my previous works may seem very long and boring for children, who may be seeking for ways to get rid of those monsters that harass them. Here I describe nine special cases in order to illustrate how to identify almost imperceptible monsters; to disprove myths solidified through time; to teach the most appropriate way to eliminate them of the lives of our children, or in some cases, to learn how to accept them and make them part of our day to day. With these stories children and their parents will learn to work as a team, they will become their own monster analysts and, as I honestly keep hoping, they will have in their hands the last book about monsters that they will ever need to buy. Dr. Alaz F. Raliget
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781090419569 1090419562
  • pages
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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B07RD4S8XX
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