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David A Collier
The Orb: Extinction 3147

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Publish)

The Orb: Extinction 3147 follows the story of the Torg family as it fights for survival against climate change and a second ominous antagonist, artificial intelligence. Far more is at risk than losing coastal cities and land. The effects of climate change will upset everyone’s life. Will institutions survive? Will governments fail? Will democracy endure? What will it cost to mitigate climate destruction? Will your standard of living perish? Will humankind survive? Does humanity have the political will to solve the climate crisis? Who are our adversaries— technology, the universal laws of thermodynamics, or humankind itself? What will life be like if global average temperatures increase over four degrees Celsius (7.1 degrees Fahrenheit)? What will life be like if sea levels increase eight, forty or sixty meters? What if both happen? What is the cost to mitigate these obstacles to ensure human survival?
