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The Realm of Eternal Magic
Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself. After discovering a mysterious underground laboratory, three students are unwittingly plunged into a world of phantasm filled with dragons, witches, and zombies. Bonnie Wells and her two friends, Henry and Freddie, find themselves trapped in a place called the Realm and ruled by sorcery, black magic, and a vicious queen who will stop at nothing to destroy them and the world they came from. Bonnie and her friends have one hope of returning home; they must find the hermit known as the Master of all things. However, the three lost youths must first travel through the dark forest of the legendary elfins and survive the evil curse of the Blood Moon when the bewitching hour gives rise to the deadly creatures that roam the night. Trapped in a world of fantastic beasts and vile creatures, the three teens find help from a host of extraordinary beings that will enchant your mind as you follow Bonnie and her friends on their incredible adventure. Join them in a kingdom, unlike any other. A Realm that exists no farther than the human mind. A magical place where myths and legends never die and only the ancient gods have the power to change the course of time and the illusion of reality.
