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Steven Bosworth
The Revenge
Following the aftermath of the Pearson money house robbery and the eradication of the gang members due to their betrayal, Dean Nash is now a criminal on the run and is still trying to piece together the memories from his previous life when he worked for a secret government agency that was headed by a team of powerful businessmen called the cardinals. Nash still has feeling of regret following the death of the director of intelligence John Wagstaff who had approached Dean to work for him. Unsure who Nash can trust, he receives new orders from his old handler McGough who wants all the loose ends from the cardinal program to be tidied up. McGough instructs Nash to commence on a campaign of revenge starting with his old friend Shaun Neal. Meanwhile Nash’s past mentor Nick Burns who also works for McGough and was part of the cardinal program, starts to begin his next reign of terror which includes removing the remaining cardinals after McGough is retired, then supported by a team of mercenaries takes over a military chemical factory in an attempt to demand a ransom. The factory is owned by Lord Broadhurst and the main government contracts help develop chemical warfare technology. Nash, clearly wanting to escape from his criminal life strikes a deal with McGough who then sends Nash into battle against Nick Burns. During the operation debriefing John Wagstaff’s replacement Atkins is introduced to Nash and they both remember their first meeting from the past. Nash also has a history with the Broadhurst facility and hopes that he can manage to escape after killing Burns. McGough who is clearly feeling hurt and betrayed over the cardinals retiring him, wants to restart the program and knows that Nash’s skills and knowledge are vital for the future and is not prepared to loose so continues to send agents against Nash to ensure he is being challenged and lulling him into a false sense of freedom. Nash on the other hand also knows the mind games that McGough plays and makes sure that he always tries to win every fight, but could eventually loose.
