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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781480920255
  • 252 pages
  • $18.00
The Ripple Effect
Valient Washington was lost. After a long career in the military and a series of failed marriages, he knew he needed to find a new direction for his life, organizing his home, finding a job, and adopting a dog. After the adoption of Buddy and a chance encounter with a woman and her son, however, Valient found his life changing in ways he could have never imagined. Valient and his new companion, a dog with an extraordinary gift of telepathy, are quickly pulled into an underground world where being in the wrong place at the wrong time ends in murder and where danger is present around every corner. Are Buddy's abilities keen enough to keep Valient and others from falling victim to murder?
Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781480920255
  • 252 pages
  • $18.00
