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paperback, e-book Details
  • Jun 15, 2014
  • ISBN-13: 978-1500287177 ISBN-10: 1500287172 ASIN: B00L0MA28M
  • 107 pages
  • $$9.99
The Situation of Gravity - Fourth Edition
Reg Mundy, author
Everything we see, everything we hear, everything we feel, everything we taste, everything we perceive, are all interpretations of patterns by our mind. We move through our existence conforming to physical laws apparently laid down in stone, immutable, never changing, swept always onwards in the river of time. But are the laws of physics immutable? Were they always the same, have they changed, will they change again? Is time a river, or just a current in an eternal sea? What happens if you make a tiny change to any one law of physics, or disrupt time in any way? The whole accepted structure of our universe collapses in disarray. Of course, this can never happen, can it? For your own peace of mind, do not look closely into the discrepancies already discovered by science on the cosmic scale (black holes, the big bang or damp squib, etc.) or microscopic scale (tachyons, quantum entanglement, etc.). And above all, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!
paperback, e-book Details
  • Jun 15, 2014
  • ISBN-13: 978-1500287177 ISBN-10: 1500287172 ASIN: B00L0MA28M
  • 107 pages
  • $$9.99
