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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780998231006 0998231002
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The Unexpected Daughter
Three people's lives intersect in a tumultuous yet redeeming way that none of them could have ever predicted. Jenny is a young professional from the South with an upbringing she wants to forget. She meets Roshan, an Indian immigrant who has moved to the United State with his mother, Esha, to escape family ghosts. Esha has devoted her entire life to her only child, both for his own good and for her personal protection from a painful past. Roshan understands his role as his mother's refuge, and commits himself to caring for her. When Jenny and Roshan embark on a forbidden, intercultural relationship, all three get tangled in an inseparable web - betrayal, violence, and shame - leaving them forced to make choices about love and family they never wanted to make while finding peace where they never expected to look.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9780998231006 0998231002
  • pages
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