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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781493691500 1493691503
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Nina Palmer
Through the Trees: The poetic end to a toxic relationship

Adult; Poetry; (Market)

"Through The Trees: The poetic end to a toxic relationship" is written from personal experiences, It truly captures the occurrence of verbal and emotional abuse experienced in a toxic relationship. This collection of poetry is based on the grief encountered when that relationship ends. The nature based metaphors allow the reader to easily apply them to the loss of any type of relationship. Whether it be a spouse, a sibling, parent, or friend, these writings will hit home with all. A truly inspired collection of work. It relates with the heartache of the loss but also uplifts and inspires. This poetry takes the reader through a realm of emotions and leaves them at the end with the courage to move on.

A therapist can help individuals to recognize counter-productive behaviors: needless angers, heartless criticism, excessively controlling, mean, narcissisitic, malignant narcissism and, on the receiving end, enabling, co-dependent, and stuck.  I have added my own toxic relationship terminology: dismissive listening and tall man syndrome for the toxic or narcissisitic individual; and wishful thinking, excessive altrusism, and misplaced locus of focus for the recipient of the toxicity.  With these terms I thought I was understanding what my clients have been experiencing. 

Reading however I read a newly-published book of poetry by Nina Palmer, a poet who describes emergence from a toxic relationship with the nuanced understanding that can be attained only by someone who herself has been there and returned.

Palmer's poems depict through natural imagery of rain, sunshine and forests what it is like to live within and then gradually to be able to leave a toxic love relationship.  Palmer's poems radiate wisdom that can guide others along similar routes out of suffering.

The poems in Palmer's Through the Trees are at once immediately accessable and at the same time deeply enliightening.  If you have been or are now involved with someone who has toxic impacts on you, and whether you think of yourself as someone who reads poetry or have never read a poem before, I highly recommend this book.

Book Addict spotlight on Idaho authors

‘Through the Trees’ by Nina C. Palmer (Idaho); self-published ($12.95) Take a walk "Through the Trees," a poetically written journey of nature and metaphor. Experience a wilderness that comes alive with a hauntingly enchanting spirit. We all have or will experience the heartache at the end of a relationship. It could be with a friend, a love, or even someone from our own family. We grieve all the same. This humble book of poetry is a journey of healing. Each chapter represents a stage of grief. The writer touches the hurting soul in a most compassionate way with artful words that are deeply vulnerable and true to the experience of loss. Challenge yourself to deep self-reflection as you take a journey through denial, anger, depression, bargaining and finally acceptance. May you find your way out of the woods and finally be able to see the forest for the trees.

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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781493691500 1493691503
  • pages
  • $
