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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781089849759 1089849753
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Avigail Abarbanel
Trauma & Its Impact: What you need to know (2nd edition) (The Fully Human Tools For Life Series)
Psychological trauma is far more common than people realise, but it is also grossly under-diagnosed. Many symptoms that people bring to their GP are a result of hidden and unrecognised trauma. Psychological trauma can devastate lives and interfere with healthy development. Its ripples can affect everything about us, physical health, how we feel, think, and behave, how we relate to others, and our ability to fulfil our potential. It is also passed on through the generations, even with the best of intentions. The earlier the trauma, the more devastating its effects, and the more it can become a substitute for a real identity. Contrary to what people think, trauma is not only caused by abuse or neglect. Any prolonged or powerful experience of threat or insecurity, at any age and for any reason, can lead to trauma and trauma symptoms. Despite everything we know about trauma, and we know a lot, people are still not offered the right kind of information or help. Most trauma sufferers feel hopeless and alone, and often suffer over a lifetime. Now in its second edition, this clear and accessible booklet discusses trauma and its impact in a no-nonsense way. It challenges the prevalent symptom management approach, and the ‘quick fix’ mentality to trauma and trauma symptoms. Living is more than just surviving from day to day, and People deserve better than just managing symptoms. Quick fixes simply do not exist when it comes to human psychology, how we grow, change, and heal. Recovery isn’t easy, and can take a long time, but there is life beyond trauma. Understanding trauma and its effects is a good step in the right direction. Removing the stigma and shame behind symptoms, and ‘joining the dots’ can be reassuring and validating. It can start you on a journey to healing and recovery, and empower you to ask for what you really need. This booklet is the third in the 'Fully Human Psychotherapy Tools for Life Series'. It is aimed at trauma sufferers, professionals, and anyone who seeks to understand trauma better. Avigail writes both as an experienced psychotherapist, and from personal experience of recovery from childhood abuse and Post Traumatic Stress.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781089849759 1089849753
  • pages
  • $
