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Joseph Mourgos
United We Fall

Globalization is bringing humanity together. 2 alien races see an opportunity to sponsor us into the galactic community in order to win our vote over a disputed planet between them.

The Earth Defense Force (EDF) is made up of Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen from different countries serving together. EDF-1 is the first such team led by Captain Derrick Folsom whose duty is the protection of the people of Earth, no matter which side the Government follows when the aliens exert their influence.

Kirkus Reviews

The opening volume of Mourgos’ Galactic Community sci-fi series in which a future Earth is contested by rival alien races.

It’s A.D. 2060, and Marine Capt. Derrick Folsom has spent the last few years jumping from one of Earth’s political hot spots—Africa, Cuba, Iran, China—to another as the trouble-shooting spearhead of the planet’s drive toward greater unification. The plan is to replace the petty warring of hundreds of nation-states with larger, hopefully more peaceful conglomerates dedicated to progress. Unbeknownst to this much-changed Earth, its fate is being debated by two great galactic forces, the Vorelisian Empire and the Thimmi Empire, sparring civilizations sharing a common border thousands of light years across. With the consent of the Galactic Council (similar to a United Nations of space), each empire has sent an emissary to Earth to competitively use every method at their disposal to bring about the unifying geopolitics necessary for Earth’s becoming a suitable colony; the Vorelisians and the Thimmi want Earth not necessarily for themselves but rather to break a voting tie in the Council. The Vorelisian representative, Dr. Charles Lightner, goes about his task by being a technological “gift-giver,” providing mankind with advanced technologies to wipe out famine and disease. The Thimmi candidate, Capt. Arno Pilas, chooses the diplomatic route instead, using his hard-won leverage with Earth’s various leaders to bring about the kind of unifying nation-building enforced by Capt. Folsom. Mourgos sets these various elements in play with a respectable degree of skill and humor, with dramatic momentum—the whole book is told in the present tense—that will keep readers absorbed, especially when all characters, alien and human, face a catastrophe involving Earth’s magnetic field. The characters are well-rounded, and rather than a more predictable good alien/bad alien dichotomy, their many competing agendas are given refreshing complexity. Similarly, the social commentary is intelligently handled; this future Earth is more advanced but less free, and readers will have no trouble spotting the present-day inspiration for those shackles.

An insightful, exciting new sci-fi saga about Earth’s entrance into a galactic society.

Writer's Digest 22nd Annual Self-Published Book Awards

UNITED WE FALL, by Joseph A. Mourgos

This fast paced novel is set in 2060 only 54 years ahead of today and is believable from the standpoint that it is based on our society's present structure. The author goes into detail in describing the political evolution of Earth up to that time and much of his theory makes perfect sense. He briefly describes the events gradually leading up to the changes. For instance, using the examples of the European Union and the United States of America, the political object for the Earth was to have all of the continents (those large enough) form unions, and finally from that point, to unite all of the continental unions into one government for all of Earth.

Naturally to allow for conflict, the governments of several continents disagree with this process, but interference from planets in outer space makes it necessary for the Earth countries to cooperate.  I found the science that the author describes to be interesting and foreseeable, although I sometimes became lost in the names and locations of the different countries, etc.

The novel is well written and filled with interesting details that keep the reader  involved with the story. I recommend this book not only for science fiction buffs, but also to those readers who enjoy a well-written, fast paced book.

