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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781500870058 1500870056
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What High School Didn't Teach Me: A Recent Graduate's Perspective on How High School is Killing Creativity
What High School Didn’t Teach Me: A Recent Graduate’s Perspective on How High School is Killing Creativity explains how high schools all over the nation are killing creativity by forcing students to memorize factoids, rather than inspiring them to pursue creative endeavors and teaching them how to problem solve. The author—Rajat Bhageria—describes how too many high school students today focus all of their efforts on maintaining high grades, rather than on developing intrinsic motivation for their passions. Additionally, Bhageria addresses many major subjects in education reform from a recent high school graduate’s perspective: English, social-studies, mathematics, sciences, research/engineering, entrepreneurship, computer science, arts, the college process, and a full revamp of the high school experience.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781500870058 1500870056
  • pages
  • $
