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Ann DeFee
When the Magnolia Blooms
Fiona O’Flaherty’s quiet life in California is turned upside down when a killer cop’s obsession turns violent. With the help of the Four Amigos—a group of retired law enforcement officers—she changes her identity and flees to a farm in rural Virginia. Her life is in turmoil—she doesn’t have a job, she’s living in a dilapidated manor house that her mother inherited and her new roommate is a handsome ghost who left this mortal coil in 1865. To complicate matters, her new home, Danann Farm is a mystical Irish village that was transported to America in the early part of the nineteenth century. Magic for this tight-knit family is more the norm than the extraordinary. As a nurse, Fiona is accustomed to multi-tasking, but now she finds herself falling in love with a charming spirit while also managing the restoration of a historic home. Not to forget that a serial killer is determined to kill her. What next? How about a pint-sized seer with special powers, a group of geriatric aunties managing the rumor mill, and an extended family ready, willing and able to protect the new mistress of the Magnolia House. When the Magnolia Blooms is a sexier version of the classic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.
