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Where's ... Eli?
Al Forte's personal, business and attorney escrow accounts at Charter Bank, consisting of nearly $2M, are mysteriously emptied via online banking by someone using Al's computer. \tThe bank claims that either Al committed a self-perpetuated identity theft to steal the money, or it was stolen by cyber thieves, enabled by Al's gross carelessness. In either case, the bank disclaims any obligation to restore the stolen funds. \tAl and his semi-reformed Mafioso cousin Mick believe that something happened to Al’s computer while it was borrowed by Mick’s other attorney cousin, Eli B. Ativa. \tThe problem is: Eli has disappeared and cannot be found. \tUnless Al proves the monies were stolen through no fault of his own, he faces criminal prosecution and attorney discipline, possibly even disbarment.
William Boyle

Fans of the George V. Higgins school of crime writing should jump at Alex S. Avitabile's new Al and Mick Forte book, Where's . . . Eli?  Avitabile knows Brooklyn, and he has a gift for distinctive voices. I couldn't get enough of this book."

--William Boyle, acclaimed author of his own tales of Brooklyn: Gravesend, The Lonely Witness, A Friend is a Gift You Give Yourself, and the forthcoming City of Margins

