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Naomi Wark
Wildflowers in Winter: Aging with Alzheimer's
Naomi Wark, author
How do you define family? Is family strictly tied to lineage? Or is family defined by those who surround you with love whether bound by blood or not? For 92 year old Edna Pearson, facing early signs of Alzheimer's, family was the bloodline. When her last child, Larry, dies and estranged from Larry's wife and daughters, Edna is afraid of spending her last years alone. But the tragedy of her sons death reunites her with her true family, her blood, her twin grandsons. Over the next few years as her grandson, David, becomes her primary caregiver, Edna's mind deteriorates and Edna finds herself increasingly swept into her younger years triggered by present day events. When Edna hears distressing news which also reveals a life-long family secret, can Edna find it in her heart to confront the bias of her definition of family?

Any reader who knows the heartache of loving an older relative with declining health will relate to this vivid and touching story. Author Naomi Wark delves deep into the emotions of Edna, a woman in her 90s, as she endures the indignities of lost independence - a beautiful feat of imagination and compassion. We also witness Edna's last years through the frustration and tough decisions of her grandson, who steps in to provide the best care he can - when no options are ideal. Despite some heart-wrenching scenes, this well-written story drew me in and compelled me to read on and find out what happened. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


This is a very well written and touching story that deals with a truth many people have already or will experience with friends or family as they age. The author tells the story of a the emotions and frustrations of a 92 year old woman in dealing with the loss of her independence and increasing dependency on others as well as those of her grandson who unexpectedly finds himself responsible for her care. Despite a realistic portrayal of Altzheimers and its effect on the person involved as well as the family, it is an enjoyable read and hard to put down. It is written with compassion, humor and caring


We are surrounded by a sea of despair called Alzheimer's, and yet we are largely indifferent to it--too preoccupied with the daily chores of living. If we do note it at all, it is to feel fortunate that it is happening to others, often shuttered in human warehouses euphemistically called "homes" and untouched by its tragic cruelty. It's so much easier to become detached than involved, so much easier to ignore it hoping that if we turn our heads, it will somehow vanish. And that is why Naomi Wark's excellent novel is so important: it paints word images of the ramifications of this incredible illness and makes them come alive in its pages. It tugs on our consciences and forces us to think of the fragility of life and family relationships, and of the hidden strengths that lie largely dormant unless called upon and resurrected. Ms. Wark's book belongs on everyone's bookshelf to not only please with its excellent narrative, but also plant a seed of vulnerability in our collective consciences, because we, too, are not immune to tragedy. A first class work, well written and highly recommeded.

