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Allison Sutter
Wow Cat's Adventures with Adjectives
Wow Cat first discovered the power of "wow words" for writing when visiting his cousin in Scotland. Wow words, his aunt said, were special words that might be ambitious for him to use but that would make his work remarkable. From that day forward, Wow Cat dedicated his life to traveling the world and demonstrating how extraordinary adjectives are to enhance a young writer's work.
From “Adorable” to “Zany,” Wow Cat offers a vocabulary of adjectives—including a definition and an example sentence for each—to describe his, and others’, adventures around the world. Taken together, the adjectives suggest that Wow Cat is one exceedingly well-rounded protagonist, one who has spoken at the White House (“Eloquent”), attended dental school (“Knowledgeable”), and thrown a fabulous party after winning an Oscar (“Lavish”). Though the narrative is disjointed, skipping from place to place and featuring a variety of other characters in disconnected, one-off spreads (“Brawny Olympic champion Lionel Lionheart,” for example), Sutter’s text serves best as an abecedarian index of elevated descriptors. Shchegoleva’s artwork, meanwhile, has a luminous quality reminiscent of animation, with rich colors and varying lighting gradients. A globe-trotting etymological tool for young linguaphiles. Ages 4–8. (BookLife)
