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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Young Conquerors

    by Christopher Cosmos
    "Young Conquerors" is a novel of Alexander the Great (Alexandros o Megas), but told from the first-person perspective of Hephaestion in the vein of "The Song of Achilles," and while most novels of Alexandros follow his later accomplishments in Asia (conquering the entire world without ever losing a battle), "Young Conquerors" instead focuses on Alexandros' early and teenage years and shows how a small, undersized boy from the backwaters of Greece, who was never meant to be king, is shaped and fo... more
  • The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen

    by Cameron A. Straughan
    “The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen” is a wild, hilarious account of one man’s absurd quest for enlightenment, inner peace and a really good pair of trousers. These twenty-three interconnected short stories dissect the chaos of modern life with a unique brand of off-the-wall humour. Anthony Zen pokes fun at the idea that our bosses can be pigs, our parents can be embarrassing and absent-minded, time is relative, justice is blind, and the foundations of our relationships might not always pass ... more
  • Ex-Mas Song

    by Jeffrey Cummins
    \tIn this re-telling of A Christmas Carol as a fictionalized memoir, Justin R. must make a life-or-death decision: he can give up his stony heart to learn about forgiveness and work the ways of recovery to gain a fleshy heart or he can wreck his life against the obstacles of stress, his ex-wife, and guilt over his past failures.
  • The Devoured Sons

    by Seth Parker
    The Devoured Sons is a philosophical, genre-bending exploration of Artificial Intelligence and its integration into society following The Solemn Veil—an apocalyptic event that decimated life on Earth.
  • Quarter Moon: A Novel of the American South

    by Preston Ford
    Mississippi, 1934 - Willie Lee Jameson, a descendant of slaves, lives much as his forebears did, his life constrained by the will of others. The only bright spot in his life is Emmy, a young married woman who shares his affection by night but must keep their relationship secret by day. When a trio of outsiders discover the couple in an intimate moment, what follows is barbaric and unforgivable. And when Willie Lee later comes face to face with one of the culprits, he kills the man in a fit of bl... more
  • War and Sex

    by Morty Shallman
    Morty Shallman’s War and Sex is the provocative, transgressive, and audaciously irreverent follow-up to his #1 Best-selling Absurdist Novel, The Tyranny of Desire, hailed as "a comedic masterpiece"by Readers’ Favorite and as a "ribald and incisive provocation" by Booklife. Part raunchy action comedy, part cunning political thriller, and part twisted romance, War and Sex tells the story of Captain Rod Solo, a Top Gun naval aviator turned ace CIA drone pilot with a problem: He can’t get it up w... more
  • midnight's simulacra

    by nick black

    It was initially about the science. It became about the cash. Then it was about personal LSD supplies, and then the world's LSD supply. Somehow it became about uranium. But understand: it was always about the science. And the lols.

    Michael Luis Bolaño is the scion of Mexican oil wealth gone to rut in Texas. Sherman Spartacus Katz is the hyperliterate son of evangelical eccentrics from the North Georgia mountains. One hopes to restore what's been lost, the other to attain ... more

  • Guardian Angel

    by Eric H. Bowen
    For the past thirty years, Dawn has served as Mike’s guardian angel, watching over him, pouring her heart into encouraging notes he may never see, and dreaming of the impossible—meeting him face to face. But when Mike’s life is threatened by a nest of drug-dealing demons, Dawn’s warrior instincts drive her to crash the forbidden barrier between realms to save his life. Her split-second decision stirs up a hornet’s nest of infernal proportions, driving a wedge of doubt between their hearts. And t... more
  • Fast-Food Cowboys

    by Darby Guise
    Twin brothers take revenge against a local butcher and set off a series of violent events involving a determined grandmother, her simple dog, the devil himself, and a maverick painter.
  • Madam Josefina's Social House

    by Dan Jakel

    A Spanish aristocrat is accused of a horrible crime, and flees the country in a state of devastation. She takes refuge in a brothel of Buenos Aires, working as its bookkeeper. While rebuilding her life, she discovers a murderous conspiracy between corrupt government officials. To save innocent citizens she must out-wit and out-last powerful men and their minions, risking the lives of those she has come to love. This story takes the reader from the enduring poverty of rural Spai... more

  • Wild Irish Yenta

    by Joyce Sanderly
    Do murderers, stock manipulators, and kidnappers stalk Temple Israel in Rockville, Maryland? When the body of custodian Roberto Gomez is found in Temple Israel’s parking lot, Patricia Weiss, nee Reilly, exchanges her suburban-mom sneakers for gumshoes to investigate the hit-and-run. A new convert to Judaism, Patricia is grappling with her outsider status at the upscale Reform congregation. Inspired by her detective dad, Patricia is compelled to find out who-dun-it and why. Before she can prog... more
  • Eddie Hest vs. Suburbia

    by Catherine Castoro
    It takes someone different to make a change. Eddie's new suburban town is far from normal. She thinks it's her purple hair and tattoos that make her and her 9-year-old daughter outcasts. What else could it be? She tries to be a good mom, but gets sucked into what the town is hiding, even though she knows it's wrong. She's finally had enough, and now she's in the fight of her life. It's up to Eddie to battle the status quo, but can she beat the Psycho Soccer Mom who controls suburbia? She has to ... more
  • Less Than

    by A.D. Long
    When he reached into the medicine cabinet for that first dose of OxyContin, Evann hadn’t thought about everything the drug might take; all he could see was the escape it might offer. Hoping to prove himself as an artist, Evann moves to the city, only to discover that physical distance from his family can’t sever the emotional ties binding him to a past fraught with pain and rejection. Desperate to silence his anxious thoughts and his mother's relentless criticisms, he enters an insidious spiral ... more
  • La Belle Famille

    by A.M. Vergara
    It’s 1759, and the French are at war with the British over the Great Lakes Region. When the British besiege Fort Niagara, three reluctant allies—a French marine deserter, the wife of a British Army translator, and the survivor of a brutal French attack—must brave the unforgiving wilderness to warn the British of advancing French reinforcements. The success or failure of their mission will decide the war and the fate of a continent.
  • The Faeries of Fable Island

    by Alicia Cahalane Lewis
    Truth and storytelling collide in this modern-day adventure when sixteen-year-old Megan Elida Fay, the great-great-granddaughter of Wendy Darling, must learn to embrace the possibility that forgotten Fable Island exists and that Peter Pan and the Faerie Queen are real. But Meg, living in the attic of her aunt’s weather-beaten house on the Maine coast, alongside the nursery toys and memories of her ancestors’ past, is haunted by her mother’s death and her father’s sudden disappearance. Will... more
  • Adam Driver and the Million Dollar Haircut

    by R.M. Usatinsky

    R.M. Usatinsky's debut novel, "Adam Driver and the Million Dollar Haircut" takes readers on a whimsical journey into the world of one man's improbable dream. Meet our protagonist, Charlie, a charming yet eccentric barber, who sets out on a daring quest to pen a Broadway musical that will serve as the ultimate bait for his favorite actor. As the tale unfolds, the author seamlessly weaves semi-biographical and fictional threads, blurring the lines between... more

