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Gerard Gardner
Diabetes: An Answer to My Prayer (just not the one I was looking for)
Former banking executive / federal banking regulator and diabetic, takes us along a path to managing diabetes under the worst of circumstances. Beset by financial ruin caused by market downturns, multiple job losses, and a bitter divorce, Gardner takes us on a journey that lets us see his route to survival that ends in a victory of sorts. More importantly he leads us through the everyday events that led him to the disease in the first place; something that will benefit nearly any reader whether afflicted or not. Diabetes: An Answer to My Prayer (Just Not The One I Was Looking For) is, as one previewer puts it, a book that “reads like a novel but informs like an instruction manual.” Gardner is a regular guy who takes us through an interesting life where he unwittingly escapes a brutal death at the hands of drug dealers to escaping death that was nearly brought on by the disease itself, and everything in between.
