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Emily Cyr
Pleasant Bay
In alternating point-of-view and timelines, PLEASANT BAY follows Sarah in 2002, who is falling in love with Luke, a charming baseball player on Cape Cod, and her teenage daughter Madelyn in 2019, who is struggling to understand why her father has never been a part of her life, and why her mother won’t tell her anything about him. While on Cape Cod for the summer with her grandmother, Madelyn stumbles upon clues to her father’s identity and decides to invite him into her life against her mother’s wishes. As both their storylines converge in 2019, Sarah and Madelyn must deal with the fallout of their decisions—Sarah’s decision to keep Luke at a distance, and Madelyn’s decision to summon him. Despite the hard feelings between them, Sarah and Luke find themselves drawn to one another again, but they must sift through the complex layers of their relationship—past and future—to determine if they can make it work.
