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May 25, 2018

Equine healer Davina Liberty launches her fantasy series, the Dolphin Code Trilogy, with The Keeper of Fire

What inspired you to write The Keeper of Fire?

The Keeper of Fire, which is about a young woman who leaves her abusive aunt, risks the unknown, and heads out into the world for the first time, is inspired by my own experience of abuse. Starting at age five, I grew up under an abusive stepmother. I felt hopeless much of the time. When I was sixteen we moved to a new state. My stepmother stayed behind for a while to sell the house. For several months, it was just my dad and me. Experiencing life away from my stepmother for the first time was so amazing and so relieving. I started writing then.

How does your writing and your life as a writer relate to your work with horses?

Both writing and riding require time, discipline and a sense of adventure. As far as my career in horses, most people ask me when I'm going to write a book about that. I promise I have long-term plans for one!

Who are some of your influences? How does your book fit into the current sci-fi/fantasy landscape?

The Harry Potter series was my biggest influence. Every time a new Harry Potter book was released, the hype around it built the success. I wanted to emulate that, so I decided to continue the adventure and make my book into a series. Many readers are seeking the next big series in the genre. The Keeper of Fire might fit that bill!

What do you hope contemporary readers will take away from this book?

I'm hoping readers will see how the main character faces challenging scenarios--abuse, a disabled parent, bullying, witnessing suffering--and remember how she handles herself. Overall, the primary message is hope. No matter how rough things get, if you're willing to take risks and move beyond the current situation, hope is always on the horizon. I've been touring elementary schools with The Keeper of Fire to open dialogue on these topics with children. It's going quite well!

What is the one thing you most want to tell readers, other writers, booksellers, publishers, or agents about you or your book?

My main dream for The Dolphin Code Trilogy is for a larger publisher to pick up the series. I want it to be more accessible to children and young adults, which means wider distribution and a lower price tag. The second book is ready for publication and the third is nearly there. It could be a lovely package for a bigger house.

For more information, visit the BookLife project page for The Keeper of Fire.

