First Lines: April 2022
A roundup of the best opening lines from titles by BookLife authors.
Maurício Limeira
"I am alone and a frightening city sleeps on my foot."
Banned from California
Robert C. Steele
"Jim Foshee had been planning his escape for months."
Branches: A Novel
Adam Peter Johnson
“I’m standing at the water’s edge when the phone call comes, sand to my ankles, sinking deeper with each advance of the waves breaking on the beach.”
Careless Love
Steve Zettler
"At her memorial service, I wanted to believe my mother’s story had something to do with me, that I was in some way a player, that I factored into her bygone scenario - the life that was hers before I was born."
Filling in the Black
Joan Kantor
"The George Floyd verdict was a tipping point for me."
Fred the Hula Worm
Max Hanson
“There once was a worm named Fred. He has a simple life; eating, sleeping, and making dirt. He enjoyed his life well enough, but what he wanted more than anything was to dance the Hula.”
Hot Air
Charlie Suisman
"The fact of the matter is, somebody stole the statue of Hezekiah Hesper, and for months nobody noticed."