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September 9, 2022
By PW Staff
This month, we’ve got corporate America, rural crossroads, and much more. To submit a first line, email

The Epic of Glenda Mesh

Christopher Fryer

“They say a man lives north of Babylon beyond the peaks of the Seven Hills with the secret to immortality. This is not his story.”


I Will Kill You: A Psychological Thriller

Halo Scot

“Corporate America: a psychopath’s wet dream.”


The Route That Takes You Home

Melanie Lageschulte

“Kate slowed the old Buick as she approached the next rural crossroads, then eased her mail car to the side of the gravel road.”


A Streak of Lightning (Warlocks MacGregor)

Michelle M. Pillow

“How could she escape a prison without walls?”


Until September

Harker Jones

“I was so young when it all began that the blame hardly feels like mine.”

