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Book Buzz - Book Promotion & Marketing
Let's Create Some Buzz For Your Book!!!
BookBuzz.net helps indie authors, hybrid authors, and small publishers promote and market their books. They also help with book reviews, publicity, and more. Promote your upcoming release, your new release, your back list titles, your kindle countdown deal, and much more. They offer NetGalley listings, book reviews, BookFunnel promos, and free book giveaways. Let's Create Some Buzz For Your Book!!!
We Believe Every Book Should Buzz!!
We Promote Print and eBooks and offer targeted marketing campaigns for your book, genre, and budget. We believe that authors know best what their book needs and with a little guidance we will build a marketing campaign thats right for you.
We work with all kinds of books: fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, romance, mysteries, thrillers, science fiction, children's books, religious fiction/non-fiction, health/lifestyle, business books, literary fiction, poetry and much more. We have genre specific contacts that we use depending on the type of book you have.