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Life Coaching for Authors



Publish Your Book in a Year Without Overthinking It​

How long have you been trying to publish your book? β€‹

A year? Three years? More than a decade?​

Every year, you think “this is the year,” work on editing your manuscript for a bit, and then get stuck. You start overthinking the scenes, the story, the characters, the conflicts. Wondering if you’re even cut out for writing and if this whole publishing dream was too lofty a goal.

But you know what?


You can go from first draft to published author, without all the mental drama that keeps first-time (and even repeat!) authors from taking the leap.

Working one-on-one with a coach can feel daunting if you don’t know what to expect. 

Life Coaching for Authors is for you if...

  • You’re tired of trying to publish on your own but don’t know where to start with getting help

  • You’ve avoided getting to a final draft because you’re not sure anyone will even want to read it

  • You’re ready to turn down the overthinking about your writing

  • You have a completed first draft or most of a first draft already done

  • You’ve won a past round of The 60-Day Novel Writing Challenge 

  • You’ve won NaNoWriMo but haven’t done anything else with the draft

  • You’re committed to self-publishing your book by this time next year

