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Lee Clarity Consulting, Editing and Proofreading


Affordable Editing and Proofreading,
P: Contact me today!

You've written your book. Now it's ready to shine. 

I'm Dana Lee, a freelance editor, and I offer proofreading and editing at affordable pricing. As an avid reader myself, I know how crucial it is for a book's success to have the manuscript carefully edited and proofread.

I have ten years’ experience in editing and proofreading a variety of genres including Romance, Mystery, Thriller, and Memoir, as well as non-fiction books, websites, and blogs. I’m flexible and enjoy customizing my work to fit authors’ specific projects and needs. I tailor my copy editing to fit your unique writing style.

With my ear for style, I will thoughtfully edit and proofread your manuscript, while maintaining your unique voice. I'm prompt, upbeat, and communicate well. I make all my edits in Track Changes so you are in control of the editing process. Let's get your book ready for the world to experience! 


