Brianna Sugalski
Brianna Sugalski is a dark fantasy author with a soup addiction, who has spent much time creating TTRPG characters who never get played, so she puts them in books.
Also a developmental editor specializing in Sword & Sorcery SFF, Sugalski spends her free time studying diversity in the Middle Ages, within the realm of Arthuriana in particular.
Brianna Sugalski is a dark fantasy author with a soup addiction, who has spent much time creating TTRPG characters who never get played, so she puts them in books.
Also a developmental editor specializing in Sword & Sorcery SFF, Sugalski spends her free time studying diversity in the Middle Ages, within the realm of Arthuriana in particular.
Sugalski lives in oversized sweaters and prefers exploring the more ominous—disenchanting, if you will—undertones of history, romance, and the arcane.