Chet Shupe
Chet Shupe is an electronics engineer who once suffered profound Attention Deficit Disorder (A D D). With A D D, social relationships baffled him. After years of bewilderment and depres-sion, his condition was finally diagnosed, and effectively treated by the drug Ritalin. Suddenly, at 43, life made sense.
Shupe emerged from A D D with a unique per....
Chet Shupe is an electronics engineer who once suffered profound Attention Deficit Disorder (A D D). With A D D, social relationships baffled him. After years of bewilderment and depres-sion, his condition was finally diagnosed, and effectively treated by the drug Ritalin. Suddenly, at 43, life made sense.
Shupe emerged from A D D with a unique perspective on the human condition. His engineer’s mind forced him to ask basic questions about the brain’s purpose, how the mind is organized, why feelings exist, the origin of good and evil, the true dynamics of every relationship, and how all of this relates to our happiness and to the wellbeing of humanity.
For years, Shupe has pursued his inquiry with passion and conviction, ranging far into the intri-cacies of the modern social contract, to question how well it is serving us, both individually and collectively. As a scientist, he bolsters every conclusion with logical and compelling examples. As a person of feeling and intuition, he expresses his hopes for humanity with genuine compas-sion and sincerity. As a whistleblower to the world, he speaks with urgency about the need to rediscover our connections with our own Nature, if we are ever again to experience the con-tentment of sisterhood and brotherhood that is our natural heritage.