Cliff Yeargin
Author of the Award Winning Jake Eliam ChickenBone Mystery Series. Jake was introduced in RABBIT SHINE, followed by HOOCHY KOOCHY which was recently named Sliver Medal Finalist in The Georgia Author Of The Year Awards for 2016
I have spent my life as a ‘Storyteller’. The majority of that in a.... more
Author of the Award Winning Jake Eliam ChickenBone Mystery Series. Jake was introduced in RABBIT SHINE, followed by HOOCHY KOOCHY which was recently named Sliver Medal Finalist in The Georgia Author Of The Year Awards for 2016
I have spent my life as a ‘Storyteller’. The majority of that in a long career in Broadcast Journalism as a Writer/Producer/Photographer and Editor. But in the Journalism business, facts keep getting in the way, so thus the move to fiction writing where I can make things up as I please. Never let facts get in the way of good story…it’s a ‘southern’ thing.
I spent the bulk of my broadcast career in sports, so the connection to the game of baseball is deep. A large portion of those years were in Baltimore, Maryland where I was lucky enough to cover Cal Ripken’s very first and very last game…and hundreds in between. I began my career in the mountains of western North Carolina, where I shot the only video of the first 3-point goal in the history of NCAA Basketball. This I am not making up. You can look it up!
These days I have returned to my native Georgia where I work as an Editor/Producer for CNN, spending many hours in the middle of the night trapped in a small dark room…which might explain the urge to make up stories where your characters get to beat up on people.