Halle Amor Moore was born on January 12, 2010, in North Carolina. She has a natural affinity for politics, dancing, and writing. She has studied abroad in Costa Rica and Guatemala, and has called Hawaii and several states home. Her family's military background has helped shape the life that she lives, filled with flexibility, sealed with emp.... more
Halle Amor Moore was born on January 12, 2010, in North Carolina. She has a natural affinity for politics, dancing, and writing. She has studied abroad in Costa Rica and Guatemala, and has called Hawaii and several states home. Her family's military background has helped shape the life that she lives, filled with flexibility, sealed with empathy, and is as close to perfection as she desires.
Halle currently lives in Gaithersburg, MD, with her family. She is a 3rd grader at Fields Road Elementary and aspires to make her mark in this world through public speaking, social activism, and someday law and public policy.
Halle Moore's Projects
This is a compilation of poems about love, fear, sadness, death, feminism, education, politics, and ... more