Martin Saunders
Author | Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom |
Born in 1972, Martin grew up in the first era of Personal Computing, when storage media was largely spools of magnetic tape, and has been addicted since the Sinclair ZX81. The seminal Star Wars Trilogy (IV, V & VI) figured highly in drawing him into the realm of science fiction, something he has been as passionate about ever since. He often cite.... more
Born in 1972, Martin grew up in the first era of Personal Computing, when storage media was largely spools of magnetic tape, and has been addicted since the Sinclair ZX81. The seminal Star Wars Trilogy (IV, V & VI) figured highly in drawing him into the realm of science fiction, something he has been as passionate about ever since. He often cites that 'games are in my blood', if so, then the plasma that carries the games is made from science-fiction.
Happily married, with three pseudo-children (dogs), two step-children and numerous step-grand-children, Martin is content to let others populate the Earth with future generations, whilst he concentrates selfishly on his love of creating games and writing books, which - he hopes - will entertain some of the growing population of Earth, for a while at least. He enjoys thinking about hiking, mountain climbing, flying aircraft, and generally doing lots of exciting things that require money to risk death.
His main concern with writing science fiction is staying ahead of the game - with science and technology champing at the heels of most science fiction writing, it's getting harder to bring the far flung future to the doorstep of someone who is reading the narrative on a transparent, flexible diamond film, thought sensitive device capable of accessing a planetary database archive... oh, wait, that's still a few years away... perhaps.
To sum up Martin's outlook on Life, the Universe and Everything - he strongly believes the answer may well indeed be 42, though possibly with some degree of error.