Richard Harland
Author | South of Sydney, Australia |
Author of over 20 books, including 3 academic books from Methuen, Routledge and Macmillan. Other books are all spec fic - fantasy, steampunk, SF and horror, published by Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Pan Macmillan, Scholastic, IFWG and other publishers in France, Germany, UK and Australia. My steampunk YA fantasy WORLDSHAKER won the Prix Tam Tam bu Li....
Author of over 20 books, including 3 academic books from Methuen, Routledge and Macmillan. Other books are all spec fic - fantasy, steampunk, SF and horror, published by Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Pan Macmillan, Scholastic, IFWG and other publishers in France, Germany, UK and Australia. My steampunk YA fantasy WORLDSHAKER won the Prix Tam Tam bu Livre Jeunesse in France, my YA fantasy FERREN AND THE ANGEL won the ReaderViews Silver Award Teen Fiction in the US, and I've won 6 Aurealis Awards and the Australian Shadows Award in Australia. I live south of Sydney in NSW, Australia, although my current publisher sells mainly into the States.