Wendy Hermance
Author | Glebe, NSW, Charleston, SC, Porto, Portugal |
Wendy Lee Hermance was heard on National Public Radio (NPR) stations in the US in the 1980s with a feature series, "Missouri Folklore." She was the Features Writer and Editor for university and regional publications in the Midwest and South Carolina before becoming a real estate agent, Brownie Troop leader, neighborhood organ.... more
Wendy Lee Hermance was heard on National Public Radio (NPR) stations in the US in the 1980s with a feature series, "Missouri Folklore." She was the Features Writer and Editor for university and regional publications in the Midwest and South Carolina before becoming a real estate agent, Brownie Troop leader, neighborhood organizer and restorer of historic houses. Wendy grew up in a home with nothing to read but cereal boxes, and she celebrates the dignity of all people.