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Hardcover Book Details
  • 01/2020
  • 978-1735288734 173528873X
  • 32 pages
  • $16.97
Mike Crowder
Author, Illustrator
"Hammy Hammerhead's (almost) Big Adventure!"
Mike Crowder, author
'Hammy Hammerhead's (almost) Big Adventure!' is a day-in-the-life type of story, where a particular situation has conflict and resolution. Mike Crowder's artwork largely contributes to the attractiveness of this storybook. Every page is occupied by fully-colored backdrops that give a three-dimensional feel to the large aquarium setting. Similarly, every fish character is well-drawn and colored which helps to bring out their distinct characteristics and personalities. Cereals are eaten, rooms are cleaned, and bullies are dealt with.
Reasers' Favorite

Reviewed by Maria Victoria Beltran for Readers’ Favorite

Hammy Hammerhead's (almost) Big Adventure! by Mike Crowder is a humorous children's picture book that makes learning easy and fun. Hammy Hammerhead is a young hammerhead shark who lives in Sharkland, probably the biggest aquarium in the whole world. Waking up one day, he looks forward to playing with his friends; Moby the whale shark, Toni, the tiger shark; Otto the Mako shark; Ferdie the bull shark; Peggy the pink [nurse] shark, Elmore the blue shark, and making a special appearance is Sean the Pufferfish. His [mama], however, insists that he cleans his room first before anything else. So he cleans up real fast, eats his breakfast, and then rushes out to play pufferball with his friends. They are having fun playing until Spike, the school bully, joins them.

Mike Crowder's Hammy Hammerhead's (almost) Big Adventure! is an absolutely enjoyable read. Also illustrated by the author, it is a colorful journey into the underwater world. Hammy Hammerhead is a relatable character right from the first page because the truth is, most kids would rather play than clean up their rooms. The narration is witty, funny, and casual, and it feels like the author is in front of you telling the story. With sharks suffering from bad press, I find Hammy Hammerhead's (almost) Big Adventure! a very refreshing read. The book also has a message on how to deal with bullying, which makes it relevant and inspiring. Perfect for bedtime and classroom reading, it is also informative. Kids can learn to identify the different species of sharks and have fun at the same time. Highly recommended!

Hardcover Book Details
  • 01/2020
  • 978-1735288734 173528873X
  • 32 pages
  • $16.97
