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Paperback Book Details
  • 1504343999
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Tony Jeton Selimi
Author, Service Provider
#Loneliness: The Virus of the Modern Age
Dive into the heart of our shared human experience in the powerful narrative, #Loneliness: A Call to Connection. In an age of unprecedented connectedness, we have paradoxically found ourselves deeply alone - consigned to technological silos that mask our veritable struggles and occlude our authentic selves. Fear of judgment, criticism, and rejection shrouds our true selves, fracturing our natural equilibrium, fostering disease, and driving worldly division. #Loneliness: The Virus of the Modern Age is a defining beacon for anyone willing to challenge and transform themselves amidst life's mightiest obstacles. This book offers solace, inspiration, and accessible spiritual direction. It's not merely a guide to sidestep the tendrils of loneliness but a toolbox for forging a path toward global unity and harmony, integral to our evolutionary journey. Esteemed Dr. Sc. Todorche Stamenov validates the book as a "masterpiece, a must-read if you're yearning for revolutionary insights into your true essence and nature." Mike Markovski, acclaimed Self-Esteem Coach, applauds #Loneliness for outstripping boundaries of "science, dogma, and belief, gifting readers novel ways of reconnecting with their inner truth, hearts, and Divine essence." Unravel the intricacies of loneliness and how it seeds conflict globally. From wars to illness, divorce rates to financial crises, Tony uncovers loneliness as an insidious common denominator. Singer-songwriter Laurie Cagno describes the book as a "life manual providing the wisdom to turn adversity into balance, mindfulness, and heart-centred being." Dare to delve into #Loneliness: A Call to Connection - an invitation to uncover your hidden self, navigate adversities, and emerge as global peace and kinship conduits.
Dr John Demartini, Human Behaviour Specialist

A balm for the restless soul yearning for connection, freedom, and love in the desert of emptiness.

Mike Markovski, acclaimed Self-Esteem Coach

Outstripping boundaries of "science, dogma, and belief, gifting readers novel ways of reconnecting with their inner truth, hearts, and Divine essence.

Singer-Songwriter, Laurie Cagno

Life manual provides the wisdom to turn adversity into balance, mindfulness, and a heart-centred being.

Paperback Book Details
  • 1504343999
  • pages
  • $
