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Jasminka Vuković
#MS - We'll get rid of it
What if your life changed forever in a single, shocking moment? Mother and daughter, friends and allies for life. Mia and her mother face an unimaginable challenge when Mia, at nineteen and studying veterinary medicine, suddenly finds herself unable to hold a scalpel. The initial diagnosis? Just normal stress symptoms. But three years later, frightening symptoms reappear, and an examination in the emergency room reveals shocking results. The final diagnosis: incurable Multiple Sclerosis. At first, Mia seems to manage just fine, juggling university, social media hashtags, and a trip to London. When she then falls in love with sports student Ben, her happiness seems perfect. Yet... something in this relationship takes a wrong turn. Shortly after, Mia's condition deteriorates – also because a super medication shows no effect. Mia becomes a case requiring constant care. How does Ben react? What does daily life look like for Mia and her mother, suddenly navigating a world of wheelchairs, hospital gloom, and catheters? And what if the doctors' prognoses are wrong, and Mia holds a secret key to reclaiming her vibrant life?
