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Slavica Joković
Author, Translator, Contributor, Service Provider
PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS AND CONCESSIONS IN SERBIA – Manual -SECOND UPDATED EDITION- By Slavica Joković PhD Book description The second updated edition of the book is a response to the needs of all those interested in following the field of public-private partnerships and concessions in Serbia. In addition, it contains useful recommendations that you can apply in practice. With particular reference to the Law on Public-Private Partnership and Concessions in Serbia, this book is a practical introduction to the elements of public-private partnerships. The book gives a review of this Law`s relevant provisions concerning definitions, general principles, the Public-Private Partnership Commission, protection of rights, resolution of disputes and supervision. It also covers:: essential elements of public-private partnerships and concessions, the procedure of public contract award, initiation of the procedure for public-private partnership project implementation without elements of concession, initiation of the procedure for public-private partnership project implementation with elements of concession and the contents of the public contract, as well as the recommendations for successful PPPs and concessions. This Manual should be on the desk of students, as well as professionals. Readers` Favorite 5-star review BOOK REVIEW Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite Public-Private Partnership and Concessions in Serbia – Manual is a primer for business written by author Slavica Joković, PhD. Aimed at both students and professionals working in industries which have public-private partnerships, this book focuses specifically on the law surrounding them in Serbia. Many topics are covered, including the specific definitions and principles as laid out by Serbian law, an explanation of the Public-Private Commission and the resolution of disputes and supervision. In addition to this, procedural elements are explained in full, including how procedures are initiated both with and without elements of concession, and the author offers an explanation of the contents of the public contract. Public-Private Partnership and Concessions in Serbia – Manual is a well presented and well organized book from start to finish. Slavica Joković has arranged this book with clear chapter headings that separate elements out in a way that makes it easy to reference, especially if you are a student looking for a specific subject area to use in your work. I won’t pretend for a moment that I easily understand the complexities of this area of business and law, but the standard of English used to explain concepts was very concise and well constructed. I didn’t spot any obvious errors during my reading, and the piece speaks with a clear and neutral voice that makes it accessible for anyone wishing to learn more on the topic. Overall, Public-Private Partnership and Concessions in Serbia - Manual does exactly what it promises, and does it very well. For more information about the book, please see:
