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Eric Demaree
40 Days to Joy Beyond Words: The Hidden Bible Verses You Must Unlock
Eric Demaree, author
BE BLESSED WITH MORE HEAVENLY JOY EVERY DAY This book does not contain the usual "God as a life-coach" advice. It contains the "meat" scriptures, which are the most transformational writings ever. This book's transformative power includes: (1) Luke 6:23, which states that whenever someone hates us we should LEAP FOR JOY! (2) God's contract for salvation and our assurance of salvation: joy. (Hebrews 10:16 and Psalm 51:12) (3) The idea that we should forgive everyone of everything! (Mark 11:25) (4) The desperately needed essay, Overcoming Grief. This essay explains, in Biblical detail, the overcoming grief process. It reveals that the "something" that dies within grieving people is their expectations. It also reveals the importance of replacing expectations with thankfulness. (5) It introduces the staggeringly innovative argument for God: The Argument from Experience! (6) It concludes with many insights into the Four Biblical Keys to Eternal Joy.
