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5 Systems of Successful People

Do you want to achieve twice as much in half the time?

Do you want to learn from someone else's experience?

Do you want to work smarter, not harder?

Awesome! Then here’s the good news, these 5 systems can do just that! They were all developed from my own experiences. Over 30 years, I have proved these 5 systems and taught them to many others. And over the years, I have worked with many amazing people in business and sport, and I’ve seen the fantastic results they achieve, to the point that the 5 systems of successful people almost can’t fail.

I also believe most people want some success in life, and the good news is that you get to define your success. And I believe everyone is in business and that you are your brand. So even though I use the word business in this book (a lot), business really means anybody who is giving it a red hot go, those developing careers, sportspeople, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and anyone who wants to be working smarter, not harder.

Now I know there is a lot of information out there, so I have turned the complex into 5 simple systems for myself, and long before starting my own company, I believed in these 5 systems. But once I did start my own company, it was time to prove if these 5 systems really did work, and they do!

So yes, I will speak a lot from my own real-life experiences. Lessons from a D class student who successfully started, developed, and exited from a startup company. I leveraged the 5 systems, and I was able to retire at the age of 46 as that’s when I became financially wealthy, and now do what I want when I want, and that’s my definition of success.

So I encourage you to know your definition of success, and then I want you to leverage these 5 systems to achieve everything you have ever wanted. It’s your turn!

Scotty Schindler

